Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sharing - Day 4 - When a book is NOT just a book!

So this story is really about how important a couple of books were in my walk with Jesus!  Way back in 1988 I was part of a prayer group meeting at my church.  Needless to say, this was a really big deal for me.  As a matter of fact, I had sort of "made a deal" with God that got me involved in that prayer group.  There was a notice in our weekly bulletin at church that a prayer group was going to be formed.  I looked at that notice, week after week, all the while knowing that I was supposed to volunteer for this.  I finally told God that if the notice was still in the bulletin that week, I would call and find out more about this.  Alas, there it was again.  So I called.  And I was fully prepared that I was far to busy to do this group.  I was working full time.  My kids were involved in many, many activities and I was SURE that I would not be available to attend these meetings.  Imagine my distress when I was asked when I WAS available since I was the only person who had called about this group!  I actually told them 9:15pm on a Thursday and they agreed!  Yes, it's true!  God will get you to the exact place that you need to be, in spite of yourself!  In that group, I met a man that talked about Jesus like he was his best friend.  He prayed like he was on the phone with a friend.  And I knew that I wanted to know Jesus like that!   One day, this man gave me a box of books.  And these two books were on the top!  When I read these books, Jesus came alive to me.  I actually discovered exactly who the Holy Spirit really is through these books.  Suddenly Jesus was much more than someone from the Bible or from my dream when I was four.  He was alive and real and He loved me!

But, here is the thing.  My church was not much interested in this crazy, Holy Spirit stuff.  It was just for fanatics and people who were "over the edge".  And I had a real crisis of faith at this point.  I thought that I knew exactly where I belonged and suddenly, I didn't feel that I fit in anymore.  Couple this with a less than wonderful pastor who was in the midst of his own crisis, and I was in trouble.  There was one day I was so depressed and really didn't know what to do or where to turn.  I decided to go to a Christian Book Store to see if I could find a book that might help me.  I walked into a store in the middle of the day, walked over to a book shelf and started looking down the rows.  I noticed that this book had an "Augsburg" publisher. 

And any good Lutheran would know that if it's Augsburg, it is Lutheran!  So I pulled it off the shelf  and felt that rush of excitement and knew that this might be the answer for me.  When I took it to the clerk to pay, he seemed very surprised that I was buying this book.  It had been a "special order" book that had never been picked up.  It had sat unclaimed for several months.  Just THAT DAY they had decided to put it out on the shelf, not thinking that it would sell.   I know that this book was on that shelf, that day, JUST FOR ME!  It was because of that book that I remained in the Lutheran Church.  Several years later I actually met the author,  Larry Christenson and got to share with him just how important this book was for me and my family. 

Yes, these books are an important part of my walk with Jesus.  I am so thankful for these people who took the time to put words on pages that change people forever.  More than that, I am thankful for Jesus leading me to exactly the right place. To exactly the right people. And to exactly the right books.  I love knowing that there was a road map for me that was right in front of me.  And all I needed to do was follow that nudge of the Holy Spirit.  And as I am talking about sharing our testimony and telling our stories, I am so thankful for that man who was willing to share Jesus with me in that prayer group.  It is way I am sharing these stories this month.  Because you just never know, who might be reading these words, that Jesus might touch.  There might be someone who needs to hear your story.  They might be changed forever by your words.  Be encouraged to share with boldness and courage. 

Jesus, thank you for books.  For authors that you empower to write and publish.  Bless us as we step up with boldness to share our stories and give our testimony.  Thank you for your great love that draws us into a deeper relationship with you. Thank you for people who are  follow your leading, even when it is not easy.  Holy Spirit, bless all those who gather together to pray and study your Word.   Amen

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