Tuesday, August 6, 2013

the importance of a pencil

Funny to be writing a blog post entitled "the importance of a pencil" when I am sitting at a computer without a pencil in sight!  But there is so much more to this story than the actual pencil......

Yesterday there was a post on a website that I read daily - The Elijah List - that was written by David Walters entitled "Did you know that revival often comes through children?" The article is actually a portion of a book written by Walters by that same title.  Since reading this post, I have been meditating on this topic.  This is a subject near and dear to my heart.  Children and Jesus.  Children and the church.  Children and Spiritual gifts.  Children.  Many of the concepts that Mr. Walters talks about are some that I have spoken and written about over the last almost 20 years.  Seeing these words in print yesterday reminded me that I have been given a message that I need to bring on this subject.  I have not been relieved of my calling or destiny.  Yahweh has spoken to me about this and I need to continue to bring forth all that is on my heart about children. 

Today I was thinking about the times it seemed easy to share.  Certainly, when I traveled to Kenya and Uganda in 2004, it was easy to share.  This picture is of a church in the western area of Kenya near Kakamega.  I remember this particular day very clearly.  My message to the kids and parents that I spoke to on this trip was simple.... God has a plan and purpose for your life - a destiny that is yours and yours alone.  And, most importantly, He will do this through you.  In His strength and power.  On this day I gave out pencils to the children.  Just a simple yellow #2 pencil.  I noticed that some of the kids actually held the pencil in both hands.  One girl just jumped up and down when receiving her pencil.  There was lots of excited conversations all around me.  I finally asked the translator what was going on.  He told me that pencils are very precious to these children.  IF their parents can afford the school fees - and IF their parents can afford the uniforms - and IF their parents can afford to buy the pencil - THEN they can go to school.  I was stunned.  A simple pencil. As our group was getting ready to leave this meeting, there was a shout across the corn field near the meeting place.  A very old women was running through the corn toward us shouting for us to wait. As she got nearer to the car we could see that she was holding avocados in her apron.  She came up to me and handed me the avocados and hugged me tightly.  She had tears streaming down her face.  She was giving us those avocados in thanksgiving for the pencil that I had given to her granddaughter.  With that pencil her granddaughter could take the exams at school that would allow her to go to the next level.   They did not have money for a pencil. We accepted those avocados with great thanks.  But for me, this was a life changing moment.  I will NEVER - EVER look at a pencil the same way.  I understood that Yahweh had a destiny and plan for that girl to continue her education, and allowed me to deliver part of His plan through a pencil. 
Now, I just need to figure out how to continue to share this message......in this place, at this time. I know that I feel the message in my spirit.  So now it is up to Yahweh to provide the opportunity and the timing and the exact message. 
Yahweh, I pray for that girl and her family who received that pencil in 2004.  Touch them and remind them of Your great plan and purpose for their family.  Thank you for your provision that allowed me to pack my suitcase full of pencils for that Africa trip.  Jesus it is your heart to see children raised up and becoming a part of your army in this world.  You always have used children and you will continue to do so.  Bless all those in ministry to children.  Open their hearts and minds to your plans that are so much bigger than just keeping kids busy during church.  Yahweh, speak to pastors and leaders and to parents and other adults, to encourage children to go deeper in You.  Help me to carry out your plan for my life by being bold and courageous to share Your message.  Thank you Yahweh.

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