Monday, August 26, 2013

Where were you 41 years ago?

Okay - my question of the day?  Where were you 41 years ago today?  This is one day that I can actually tell you exactly where I was.   Most people will think that this is a really big day, like say my engagement.  But you would be wrong.  Forty one years ago today Ken and I went on our first official date. 
(This picture is only 40 years old, but I don't have any pictures of the two of us together from 1972!  And this picture IS of our engagement party -which was in 1973 )
 But back to our first date. Ken and I actually went to high school together and we had many overlapping friends.  I knew him quite well, but had no interest at all in dating him. And he would have never wanted to date me either!  After both of us had graduated, we got reintroduced at a mutual friend's house.  He asked me to go out, and the rest is history!  On our first date we watched the 1972 summer Olympics.  So Mark Spitz has a place in our story.  As silly as it might sound, I believe that I knew very early in our relationship, that I would marry Ken. 
Once again, I am so amazed at the working of the Lord to bring Ken and I together.  Ken's family moved to Elk Grove in August of 1967.  My family moved to Elk Grove in August of 1967.  We actually lived within two blocks of each other.  Before these moves, he lived in Kentucky and I lived in Minnesota!  So we would most likely, never have met.  I love hind sight.  It allows you to look back and really appreciate the things that you miss in the present.  Using hind sight also lets you see more clearly how Jesus is working out your destiny in the little things!
Yesterday I found out that, for no good reason, nothing that could be explained, somehow my email address had dropped off of a list that I have been on for quite some time.  So what???  Well, I have missed some opportunities to worship and pray with others because I have not gotten those emails!But because I took the time to look up a phone number, make a call and ask the question, I got back on the email list.  And I had an amazing time of prayer and worship last night.  While this was just a little thing, it was very important!
My point in all of this tonight, is that sometimes Jesus is the one who works things out in our life.  But sometimes we also have to act in order to get to that place of our destiny!  There needs to be a balance in this.  I am so blessed to know that Jesus is the one warring in the heavens for me.  And I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit pushed me to investigate why I didn't get those emails.  Unfortunately, there are many times that I don't heed the whisper of the Holy Spirit.  In those times I am sure that I have missed out on some things that might have been real blessings.  In truth-telling, I waited more than 8 weeks to investigate why I was not getting those emails!  Isn't that silly?  I missed out on the chance to have more time with the Lord.  My encouragement to you tonight (and to myself) is to listen for that whisper of the Holy Spirit. 
Jesus, thank you for working out our destiny and making the big things and the small things come together for us.  Thank you for the Holy Spirit and those sometimes gentle reminders that guide us onto the correct path. Help us to listen and then act, when we are prompted.   Yahweh, thank you for Ken and the past 41 years!  I know that you brought us together and have preserved our relationship. You are a great and wonderful God!   Thank you!  Amen

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