Thursday, September 5, 2013

Becoming like a little child....

Humor me, once again, as I talk about my upcoming birthday.  This week I have been thinking so much about my mom.  I know that it seems odd that she would be on my mind since she has been gone for 2 1/2 years.  But, I guess around your birthday, it is hard to not think about your mother!  I know that I posted a picture of me, just born, with my mom.  That picture was taken in the hospital - long before they were taking pictures of newborns.  Apparently the local paper in the small town we lived in decided to take these pictures.  Most people are not so fortunate to have a picture like this from 1954.  My mom always liked that picture.  I didn't realize, until I was much older, that part of the reason that picture was so special to her was because she didn't have a picture of her with HER mother.  But I digress........ 
This is what I have been thinking about this week..... The photo above.  I realized that my mom was exactly the age I am now at the time of my wedding.  As a matter of fact, she had just celebrated her 59th birthday 3 days before my wedding.   So I have been looking at the photo and thinking about how much older I look than she did.  I have also been thinking about that generational shift thing.  I absolutely adore being a grandma.  It is really such a wonderful part of life.  You get to experience the joy and wonder of little children without the sleepless nights and the toddler tantrums.  My grand kids have filled my life with so much happiness and I feel so blessed to have them.  The odd thing is that I was always upset that my mom and dad were "Grandma Nona and Grandpa Harry" for almost as long as I can remember.  I have very clear memories of hanging over the edge of a baby basket looking at my new niece Amy.   And I did not want my mom to be a Grandma!  She was my MOM!  Isn't that silly?  This is especially silly since my mom loved her role as Grandma Nona.  She had a "Grandma bracelet" that was one of her most prized possessions.  I remember when my sister Karen gave her that bracelet for Christmas the year my niece was born.  She wore that bracelet all the time. 
The last Christmas gift that she gave to her grandchildren was to return to each of them, their piece of this bracelet.  This was such an important thing to her that she wanted to give it back to them.

My mom never felt old.  She was always saying that she wasn't that old.  I remember her baking cookies to take around her apartment to the "old people" - when she was over 90!  I was so blessed to live most of my life with her as a grandma, as well as my mom.  I learned about being a grandma from one of the best. 
Isn't it wonderful how Yahweh's plan was always for us to be in families?  I just marvel at the wonder of this great plan and the continuity of the generations.  Jesus knew that it would be important for us to understand the shifting as our places change in the family tree.  I believe that grandchildren provide a special link for grandparents back to that wonderful "child-like" faith.  Let's face it.  Life is not always wonderful when you are in your later years.  There are financial concerns, health concerns, fears of the future, worries about where to live and even, when or if you should retire.  I think Jesus knew that it would be good for us to have grandchildren around so that we could experience life again, through their eyes.  I am convinced that when Jesus told his disciples that they had to become as little children to enter the kingdom, he was talking about those things.  He knew that his disciples were concerned about their daily tasks.   They worried about how to feed the people following them around, and they worried for Jesus.  So, he restated part of the master plan of his father.  Become like children. 
So, tonight on the eve of my birthday, I am going to celebrate my children and grandchildren.  And thank Jesus for the gift they are to me.  So that I can be reminded that I need to listen and learn and live in that childlike faith and trust.  And not fret or worry about anything - including my age. 
Jesus, thank you for reminding me that your plan is for us to enjoy each stage of our life and to live everyday for you and your Kingdom.  Help all of us to be able to celebrate your life in us, no matter what age we are!  Thank you for my mom and the wonderful mom and grandma and great grandma that she was.  What a blessing to be able to learn so much from her example.  Jesus, let me be an example like that for my kids and grand kids and for future generations.  Thank you for reminding me and everyone reading this blog, to become like little children.  Amen


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