Monday, September 9, 2013

It's been one of those days........

This has been one of those days.  I guess that's all I have to say.  Just one of those days.  It's Monday and that certainly doesn't help.  But the day went from bad to worse really quickly.  And quite frankly, it is now almost 10:00pm and I am thinking that I need to go to bed so that this day just stops!  Tomorrow has to be better!  Right??? 

First of all, the little guy that I nanny was a very unhappy, sniffly, cranky, whining, 20 month old.  His nose was running constantly and his little eyes were just red rimmed.  Nothing could make him happy today.  He didn't even want to go outside - which is so unusual.  Bottom line - he was not feeling good.

Somewhere in the nose-wiping, I realized that I had made a subtraction error in the checkbook over the weekend and suddenly, I needed to transfer some money, really quickly.  I can't remember the last time that I did something like this.  Fortunately I found this BEFORE it was really bad......

I know some will not believe me but once again, a NEW route that I found to go home at night, was a nightmare today.  Why?  Because those dreaded orange signs are out and the construction has begun on yet another road.  There was a true traffic jam that took me over 30 minutes to go just two blocks this afternoon.  Why, I ask you WHY do they do all of the roads in one area at once??????

And this is just the stuff that I feel like I can share on this blog!  There is more...........much more.

So, I am truth telling tonight and will close my computer and go to bed.  And pray that tomorrow is a better day.  I am so thankful that Jesus has promised us that his mercies are new every morning and we should only focus on each day. 

Jesus, thank you for everything that you have done for me.  Help me to release all of the junk of today into your hands, and to rest overnight.  You promise us a new start each day and Jesus, I am asking for an extra measure of your grace and peace tomorrow.  Jesus, bless all those reading these words, who have also had a challenging day.  Cover them with your life and your love.  And Jesus, send your healing tonight for little Michael.  Amen

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