Saturday, September 21, 2013

Photos, scanning and the environment a strange combination

Today I actually accomplished one task that I have been needing to do for a LONG time. I scanned some pictures that have been in collage frames in my hallway.  These particular pictures are some of my favorite pictures of my childhood and Ken's childhood. 

These are a couple of the professional photos - one of Ken when he is around 9 months old and one of me at 18 months old.  Most of the pictures were just snapshots.  Some were in color but the majority were black and white.    I took the frames apart and very carefully removed all of the photos.  Most of them were the original pictures.  I had made these frames long before "scanning" became popular.  And, unfortunately, many of the pictures were seriously sun damaged and faded.  And some had almost faded away.  Many years ago I thought about taking those frames down, but I loved seeing them every day when I walked in the door.  I had originally made these frames around the time that Gwen was born.  I wanted to have pictures up of Ken and I at various ages, so that I could compare them to pictures of Gwen.  The kids loved to look at these frames.  My frame included pictures of my mom's parents, my dad's parents and aunt Anna.  Ken's included pictures of his grandma and grandpa Baker.  There was also one picture of Ken sitting on his great grandma Kelly's lap.  
 Grandma Baker is holding one of Ken's cousins and his sister Sue is the front left.  I remember when I put this frame together I was amazed at this picture.  Ken and his great-grandma!  WOW!  How amazing that we have this multi-generational photo.  So now these photos are safely preserved by scanning.   And they are saved on an external hard drive.

I was thinking about the fact that my enjoyment of these photos had actually been the very thing that has caused them to deteriorate.  Yet, what good are pictures if you never look at them? So, is spite of the damage to some of these photos, I am thankful today, for the years that these frames hung in our hallway.  I am thankful that my children got to look at these pictures, day after day.  And I am thankful that now they are preserved.  This process has me thinking about other things that we "save" for various reasons.  Like the "good" dishes we save for special occasions.  Or the "special" jewelry that we only wear once or twice a year - if that.  Or the decorative towels we only put out when company is coming.  Really????   Isn't it better and more honoring to USE these items? To enjoy them and look at them and actually appreciate them?  Recently, Gwen told me that Lia and Ellie have been learning about the Garden of Eden in Sunday School.  Their "homework" was to help out in the "garden" at home.  And they had to answer the question "why should we take care of the earth?"  Lia's response was that God had made the earth for us and has given us the air to breathe, so we should take care of it.  Ellie said because Jesus made it!  We would not be doing the earth any service if we did not "use" it or enjoy it. Just like my photos in the frame, sometimes the earth suffers when we "enjoy it". In 2013 we are doing a much better job of preserving our world than we were 50 years ago.  Today we recycle, we compost, and we control smog.   Well, today I am thinking that we have been given photographs so that we can see and enjoy them.  And now we have been given the way to preserve them so that future generations can also share our memories. 

Jesus, thank you for your creative ideas that have given us photographs.  Thank you for the technology that allows us to scan and save these images, so they will not be lost.  You are the creator, Yahweh and it is your Holy Spirit that brings that creative nature into us.  Jesus, help me to remember to enjoy the many things you have placed in my life and remind me to use the good dishes on a regular day.  Thank you for the earth and the air we breathe.  Help me to remember to celebrate every part of your creation - every day!   Amen

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