Saturday, October 12, 2013

A day in the life of a Grandma......being like a little child

Its been  a great day with my grandchildren!  Some how it is always good when I get to spend time with them.  Today was no exception.  First of all we went to a McDonalds playplace.  As they say, getting there was half the fun!  I haven't driven around very much since they moved to a new house.  I thought (thought is the operative word here) I knew where I was going, but low and behold we were lost!  Needless to say the kids thought this was very funny.  I just kept driving in what I thought was the right direction and prayed for a road that I knew!  I saw parts of this area that I had never been in.  Fortunately, we soon came to a familiar road and we proceeded to a different McDonalds (one very close to their OLD house) and eat and played.

Photo: Lunch with my sweeties!
After we got home it was time for Zeke to nap and Lia and Ellie got to paint some new piggybanks that they got from their Mom.  It was great to watch them paint!
Photo: Painting piggy banks!
This finished piggys are so cute.  Lia and I enjoyed many, many great games of Uno and the kids played all afternoon.  There was a brief thunderstorm, but Zeke was already asleep for his nap and Lia and Ellie were fine.  I got treated to a couple of really nice dress up fashion shows and dances and Zeke and I played trucks (of course). 
But the most amazing thing was the conversation in the car on the way back from the McDonalds.  We passed a cemetery and Ellie said "that's were Great Grandma Nona is!"  So that started a conversation and at one point after I said that Great Grandma Nona was in heaven, Lia said and that is a wonderful place.  So we talked about being with Jesus and being happy and being with everyone you love.  Then Lia asked a really good question.  She wanted to know if we have to "start over" as a baby when we get to heaven.  Isn't that interesting?  So we talked about the timelessness of heaven and how Jesus doesn't have "time or ages".  Then she asked me how the Bible got to earth if it came from Heaven!  Another great question!  This gave me a chance to talk about the Holy Spirit speaking to people.   Ellie asked if there was candy in heaven! I told her I bet there is because Jesus has promised us a banquet table of all good stuff!  Ellie asked "even ice cream?" (Can you tell that she loves ice cream?)  Then Lia talked about Jesus getting the bread from his body and the wine from his blood!  Clearly she is listening and beginning to understand Communion.  So we had a great conversation about that.  Oh how I love that these kids are growing up to know all about Jesus and heaven and prayer and the Bible!  What a blessing this is to me.  And what sweet, sweet prayers these little one prayed tonight.   
Tonight I am a very blessed Grandma.  I love thinking about Jesus like a child.  I love thinking about heaven and the Holy Spirit and the Bible like a kid again. And I love that I can have so much fun just doing nothing but sitting on the couch watching the kids play.  What a great day.
I encourage you now to stop and think about things like Heaven and the Holy Spirit and how the Bible came to be.  Take a moment and step out of your "head knowledge" and let Jesus show you, in a deeper way, what it means to have the faith of a child.  Step back from everything that you know and let the Holy Spirit bring you to a fresh place of childlike understanding.  I think we all need to do this from time to time.  Jesus said the only way we could enter the Kingdom was as a little child!
Jesus, bless us as we sleep tonight!  Be with Gwen and Tim and all of the youth that they are with right now.  Be very present to them over the next couple of days.  Keep everyone safe and in your arms.  Bless Ken and give him a restful night also.  Bless us all with more childlike faith and understanding.  Thank you for my precious little ones!   Amen

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