Monday, October 14, 2013

An unexpected, out of control day!

So you know how you think that you might have things figured out and/or under control?  Well once again I have learned that - guess what? - I am not in control of anything!  While I am upset about the current "snag" in my plans, I remember well, my lesson from yesterday.   I GET IT!   Jesus is in charge and I am convinced that He has plans in place for me and more importantly, he wants to bless me.  Knowing that, I can sit back, take a deep breath and let things play out.  My part is just to keep listening to Him.  I am sure that there will be lots of days ahead when I forget this, or slip back into wanting to have everything neatly lined up.  So I am trusting that all of my friends and family out there, will remind me that I GET IT!

And what I have been thinking about today is when Ken lost his job in 2002.  Let me tell you, that was an unexpected, out of control moment.  We were NOT prepared for this, in so many ways.  We circled the wagons (so to speak) and prepared for the worst.  Fortunately, Ken got a job in less than 4 months.  Nearly unheard of given his age.  Now we knew that this job wasn't the greatest - but HEY - it was a job.  He was very overqualified and the job only lasted 6 months.  But, once again, after an unbelievably short 2 months off, he found another job.  This job had a killer commute, but once again, we were feeling blessed that he had a job. Then, he lost this job after only 8 months.   This was much harder to take.  But we tried to stay positive and he faithfully sent out those applications.  Well, somehow, God was definitely in charge.  Ken got hired at a company that NEVER hires direct and only hires from temporary.  IT IS THE PERFECT JOB FOR HIM!  The original job that he lost in 2002 was stressful and not much fun.  This job that he has had for 10 1/2 years is simply amazing for him.   He never brings work home, rarely travels, has an easy commute and most of all - HE LOVES IT and IT IS FUN!  Several years ago, he was talking with his boss and asked him how he got his resume.  His boss couldn't even remember!  But I know that when Jesus is in charge, things happen.  And the things that happen are a blessing.  So we weathered that storm, we weathered the storm when I lost my long time job in 2009 and we will get through this job change for me now. And I will continue to seek to rest in contentment. 

Tonight I am so thankful for Ken and the rest of my family tonight.  They are affirmed for me, that this is a GOOD thing and that there is something so much better for me out there.  Actually when Ken and I were talking, I realized that there is a conference coming up in two weeks that I felt SOOOO called to be at.  Yet with working, I really didn't feel like I could do it.  Now, I will be able to attend!  Isn't that amazing.  And the best part is Ken really wants me to be able to do this.

Yesterday I received an email from the ministry hosting that conference... this was the tag line of that email.....
 "The person who lives in right relationship with God does it by embracing what God arranges for him." Galatians 3 Message

So, tonight I will be embracing what God has arranged for me! 

Thank you Jesus for your love and care.  You are an amazing and wonderful God that is arranging things for me.  Holy Spirit, remind me to embrace all the changes that are happening in this time.  Thank you for the blessing of my family and friends during this time.  Yahweh, would you please hold a place for me at that conference?   Thank you, thank you, thank you.   Amen

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