Monday, October 21, 2013

Dreams that are not impossible..........with Jesus

Yesterday at the 50th Anniversary event, we heard about "Why it is important to celebrate church anniversaries".  One reason given was to pass on the traditions of the church.  The pastor used the reading from Deuteronomy 7.  In these passages, Yahweh reminds the people that they are HIS people and that it is his working that has brought them to where they are.  As a matter of fact, one verse actually says, you are not the largest or the greatest of the people - but you are MY people.  The pastor reminded us all that it was the "oral tradition" of story telling from one generation to the next, that birthed the Bible as we now know it.   Just last week, my daughter pointed out to me that this blog is important because the stories and pictures that I am sharing here, will be preserved for her children and the generations beyond.  Yes, that puts a whole new spin on the importance of this blog. But the primary reason for this blog, was and is that I felt called to share all that I was hearing from Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. 

Okay.......... more truth telling here.  For over 10 years I have felt that I had heard and understood something that needed to be shared with..............well everyone.  This seemed like a really impossible and unrealistic "Dream".  First of all, what could I possibly have to say that would make a difference?  And then who would even care about this?  I am so grateful for the chance to reach so many people.  I truly thank God everyday for the people who stop and read this blog.  Because I know that Jesus is a God of the Impossible!  For me, he has made so many of my "impossible dreams" work in ways that I never expected. 
I think that it is interesting that I have precious items like the one pictured above.  In spite of the fact that I was the 5th child and my mom was very busy, she made it a point to create something for me that I cherish to this day.  She bought a small 5 X 8 ring binder and saved all of my Sunday School papers from Kindergarten through Second Grade.  This is the first page in that binder, from my first week of Sunday School in 1959.  We didn't have "Children's Bibles" in our house, but I had this binder of stories and songs that I was constantly looking at.  This was my "scrapbook" long before my mom knew how important this would be for me.  Those 48 separate papers in that binder, helped to shape my adult desire to work with children.   Even though my mom did not really understand the powerful encounter I had with Jesus at age 4, she knew that these pages were important to me and to Jesus.  I love that Jesus used these pages to speak to me.  And I love that Jesus also uses the words on this page to speak to others.   Because this dream is becoming a reality through this blog, suddenly it feels "possible" for other dreams to come into being.  I love the fact that the Holy Spirit is constantly showing me how He was active in bringing me to this point in my life.  Before today I never really thought about those little Sunday school papers as part of the path to my dream. Now I am seeing with new eyes.  Looking at the path BEHIND me helps me to see that path AHEAD of me.   When Jesus is in charge, all is well and the impossible is POSSIBLE!  
Jesus, thank you for giving me peace about the direction of my future.  Holy Spirit, you have a wonderful way of getting us to understand things, just when we need them.  Help all of my friends to glance back on their life, to get a better view of the way that you have been working things out for them.   Jesus, give us all confidence to continue to walk out in the directions that you are sending us.  Holy Spirit, encourage all who feel "stuck" right now to look around and see the wonders that are around them.  And Jesus, give them a glimpse of the amazing things that are yet to come.  Amen

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