Saturday, December 28, 2013

Feeling a bit under the weather....

So I spent a part of today in bed!  This is really unusual for me.  Its Saturday and I have a lot to do on the weekend.  Yesterday I was feeling a bit worse than the day before with my head stuffy but today I woke up coughing and with a very sore throat.  I really need to kick this crummy cold.  We went out this morning and did a couple of errands but it became clear to me that I just needed to get home and lay down.  So that is what happened.   We came home and I went to bed.  This evening I think I am feeling a bit better.  I can certainly tell when my medicine wears off, but it is helping.  So I am thankful for a quiet day.

It must be because we are moving into a new year, but suddenly Ken and I are thinking of more projects around the house.  Right now he is converting what was our "exercise room" into a camera room.  I can't complain since I appropriated the other spare room a LONG time ago as my scrapbooking room.  So this is only fair!  I love that Ken supports my love of scrapbooking and I am very glad that Ken has returned to photography.  When I first met Ken in high school, he was already a camera guy.  He was in AV and had a dark room at his home.  Somehow, over the years he moved away from photography.  I was happy several years ago when he asked for a new camera.  And I am so proud of all the wonderful pictures he has taken over the last couple of years.  So, I am very willing to clean up that under-used room and make it work for his hobby. 

There is a lot to the "New Year" thing.  This is a good time to clear away the old and get ready to move into the new.  I am glad that we are doing some cleaning and clearing out of our house.  And I am also glad that this is a time to clear away and move into new things in the Spiritual.  I love that this is a "New Year" time.  I just realized that November was a time of great Thanksgiving for me.  December was a month of celebration and memories and joy.  I am looking forward to January and the new things that are in store for me.

Jesus, thank you for healing and health.  You are a God of restoration and new things.  Holy Spirit continue to bring to light all the changes and new things that are coming.  Speak clearly to us and help us to be willing to clear out the old and unused things to make room for the new.  Thank you for Ken!  Amen

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