Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The end of a "sugary" day.... good food, good work, good friends!

This is going to be just a really quick post about my very long day........ It was the kid's Christmas Party today at my work.  So we had a room full of over excited, over stimulated, over junk-fooded, crazy kids!  Yes, it was a busy, busy day that sure had some "moments"!  Here is a shot of the "snacks" at the party!  Yep, cookies, donuts, chips, more cookies, cheese and crackers and yes fruit.
Most of the kids only ate a cookie or two and some of the fruit, but there were several that cleaned their plates!  It was most certainly a "sugar overload".  (And most of the kids hardly touched their lunch either).  But hey, Christmas only comes one time a year, right?

Okay, I have been working on "expecting the unexpected" and I sure had some more "unexpected" things happen today. 

1.  I started the morning by dropping a container of white finger paint onto a tile floor.  The lid popped off and I had GLOBS of thick white paint all over me!  Down my pants leg and covering the front of my fleece and the right sleeve.  And did I mention that I was wearing BLACK corduroy pants and a BLACK fleece?  And I was "dressed up" for the parents who would be attending the party that started at 9:30.  The unexpected part of this story is that with lots of water and paper towels, the white finger paint vanished from my clothes.  I mean totally gone!  Now THAT is really unexpected!

2.  I received so many wonderful cards and gifts from the children today..... I was totally overwhelmed.  I have only been working at this job since mid-October and was not expecting this at all.  I am not the "teacher" in the room, just the assistant.  This was an unexpected thing that makes me so thankful for this job!

3.  It is very hard not to get excited and happy about Christmas when you are surrounded by 15 or 16 little faces, all filled with joy and happiness over a simple little party.  Yes, I was not expecting to feel so HAPPY today.  It was a surprise.  A very pleasant surprise, I might add.

4.  Tonight I got to spend the evening with some very dear friends.  You know that feeling that you are so tired and you don't want to go anywhere or do anything?  Well, I had that feeling earlier tonight.  But I pressed through, went out to meet with my friends and I was so blessed!  The unexpected part of this is that, on the way home I had several very clear revelations and answers to prayers that I have been seeking for weeks.  This was an unexpected ending to this day.  (I am sure I'll be sharing more about this in the days ahead!)

Jesus, thank you for the "miracle" of finger paint that dissolves away with water.  Thank you for the kindness and generosity of the families I work with every day.  Thank you for joy, for wonderful sugary snacks, for Christmas time and for children.  Thank you for good friends, amazing prayers, and wonderful revelations.   Amen

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