Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The importance of a clear path........and knowing the path maker!

Today I have been thinking about paths..... First thing today, it was snowing when I got to work.  I had to navigate a snowy, icy path through the parking lot to get in the door.  I was thinking how good it would be to have a clear path to walk on. Instead I was jumping from foot print to foot print to try to keep my shoes dry.  Then early in the day, I was trying to get 14 somewhat uncooperative three year olds to walk in a line from one room to another.  This required walking through the open room (which was set up for a gymnastic class) and had lots of distractions.  Needless to say, it was not a clear path.  It took more than the usual amount of prodding to get them to walk the 50 feet or so into the other room.  Yes, the path had lots of distractions and obstacles, but still.....all they needed to do was "follow the leader"!   Then a bit later, I was in yet another room full of children (and just as a side note, all of the children seem to be crazy and excited and it is still a long time till Christmas), and we were trying to get them to lay on their cots and go to sleep.  As I have said before, this is quite an experience to try to get 12 or 13 two year olds to lay down on a cot and go to sleep - all at the same time.  We do everything we can to make the way clear for this to happen.  We feed them, we toilet/change them, we shut the blinds, we make it nice and dark, we put on soft, sweet music, we cover them with their favorite blankets and give them their lovies.  And then we even pat/rub backs.  Yes, we created a clear path for sleep, but today several children just would not go down that path.  Instead they chose the path of kicking, talking, laughing, etc.  Very frustrating to the path makers! 

When I finally had a couple of minutes to think (after the final hold outs fell asleep), I realized how much I had learned today about choosing a path!  First of all I learned that even if the path is not totally clear, you should look for the footprints.  Secondly I learned that it is very important to follow the leader.  And then I learned it is important to respect and honor the path maker!

WOW!  Quite a bit of information in one mornings adventures!  I was thinking of the first verse that I ever memorized.......    "Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path" Psalm 119:105.  The most important thing is that you have a lamp pointing right at your feet so that you can see the next place you need to put your feet.  That is exactly what I was experiencing walking in from the parking lot.  And then, when you have a clearer path, you can look up.  But you need a light to show you the direction that the path goes.  I am so thankful that Jesus is my "leader" and He is the light of the world.  So when I am walking on that path, I just need to be looking up, and THE light will be illuminating my path for me as I "follow my leader"!  Lastly, I realized how necessary it is to acknowledge that Jesus is the path maker for all of us.  If we think that we are in charge, we will likely run into lots of obstacles and get distracted and never end up where we are supposed to go.  Additionally, we will be very, very tired and cranky when we don't rest when we are told to rest.

Don't think there is much I can add to this............. 

Jesus, thank you for once again, speaking to me through my work.  What an amazing gift. Holy Spirit, continue to write these truths into my heart.  Speak to all of us when we are veering off of the path or refusing to rest.  Give us guidance and wisdom to look up and let you light our feet and reveal our path!   Thank you Jesus.   Amen

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