Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Expecting the "unexpected"!

So I was concentrating on all of the traffic around me as I was driving home from Gwen's this afternoon.  There was quite a line up of cars that had grown longer and longer (thanks to the Canadian National Freight Train blocking the busy road) and we were inching along.  Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted this odd creature that peeked its head out of the tall grass on the side of the road and started to walk closer and closer to the cars.  As the cars began to move, it turned around and darted back into the grass.  When I got home, I actually drew a picture of the animal that I had seen so that I could show it to Ken.  My drawing  looked a bit like a cartoon dinosaur, keeping in mind that the creature I saw was about 2 feet long and possibly a foot and a half tall.  I described it as a smooth, solid black creature without ears.  Ken identified it on his second guess (his first guess was a weasel) - A RIVER OTTER!  And that is exactly what I saw.  Not exactly what you would expect to see!  And the article I read said that the River Otter is a member of the weasel family!  So Ken was actually correct on his first guess!  This made sense with the lakes that were all around the area I was driving through.

Earlier today I had been thinking about that "window" word that I had heard a few days ago.  As I was meditating on that word, I heard "expect the unexpected"!  As I was thinking about those two things together - the window and the unexpected - many things started to run through my mind.  The first time I thought about the window, it was a quiet, calm scene that came to mind.  But today, I was seeing the exact opposite of that.  I was seeing lots of scarier things out of that window.  In fact I was thinking about 9/11 and suddenly that window became the TV and I was seeing those buildings fall.  Yes, that was very unexpected.  So I wasn't really surprised today to see that unusual animal out the car window.

I can't wait to see more of the "unexpected"!  This seems to be a time of seasons changing all around.  Things are happening in the natural!  Zeke noticed this morning that the leaves on the top of the trees in their neighborhood had started to turn red!  He was very excited.  And, truthfully, it was unexpected to already see leaves changing.  I loved this (from the Passion Translation Facebook site)

When Jesus looks at you, he never sees your history, he sees your destiny, he sees who you really are. You are his lover, his friend, his delight, his bride.When you think you deserve a lecture, he gives you a kiss.When you have failed him, when you are your worst, Mercy rises up and says you know I love taking chaos making it into beauty and symmetry. I work the night shift and my plan is Night and day. Evening and the morning is the first day. God always begins in the dark. He's comfortable working to make you more like Jesus Christ.

This was an unexpected find on Facebook today!  I can't wait to see what will be coming around the corner for all of us.  I love that Jesus doesn't see our history.... only our destiny!  And I love the reminder that God always begins in the dark.  Isn't that a great encouragement to us all?  Even if we are in a really dark place, it is a good place because God is beginning something there.  So if it is looking dark and gloomy out of that window, expect the unexpected and rest in the assurance that Jesus sees our destiny and is already working in us and for us!

Jesus, thank you for speaking to me in even little things, like a surprise animal out my car window! Holy Spirit, continue to encourage us during those dark times.  Keep our eyes open to see those unexpected sights.  Thank you for seeing our destiny when you look at us!  Amen

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