Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14 - So thankful for a day off!

So today I am so, so thankful for a day off!  I am convinced that Jesus knew exactly what I needed when he provided this new job.  I know that you have heard that I am IMPOSSIBLY tired after some of the very long days I have had, but in spite of those days, having a day off every week is simply heavenly!  Over the last years I have been longing  for a day off every week.  It makes me feel as if I am not really working. 
This has had me thinking about compromise.  In so many ways this new job is all about compromise and weighing the not so great things against the really good things - like the day off!  It is also about knowing what is really the most important thing.   So when thinking about the first couple of weeks that I've been on this job, I made a couple of lists!  (Okay - honesty here once again.  I am a list maker.  I tend to make lists for EVERYTHING!).  So the first list I made was the "non-negotiable" items.  This list had things that any job must have.  A sample of what was on this list is item number 3 - location (within 10 miles of my house). After making that list, I moved on to the pros and cons list.  I am sure that many of you have made this kind of list when making an tough decision.  
So while there may not be ALL good about this job, it is worth sticking with for a while.  It has been a good process for me.  I know that there are many shifts and changes happening right now for me, in lots of areas.  So after looking at this again today, as I was preparing to write this blog, I am feeling much more peaceful.  It feels like I can approach these shaking situations with more confidence knowing that there is a plan I can follow to help me get through to the end.  Yes, Jesus really knew what he was doing, when he provided this particular job for me at exactly the correct time. 
A very long time ago I remember thinking that waiting for an answer to a prayer was so frustrating!  There was a time when I said I just want a telegram to arrive at my door  (you know, not many words just the answers to my questions! #1 Yes, #2 No).  I know that I am showing my age.  Right now, I might say I would like a text in response to my prayers!  But the truth is that I have learned that the answers to our prayers often come in our working out the best answer through a process.  The good news is that we have the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the assurance that Jesus has a good plan for us.  So I encourage you to make those lists and be willing to compromise when you have a situation that seems to be stumping you.   
Jesus, thank you for your plan for me that included this day off!  What an extra blessings that I really didn't see coming!  Holy Spirit, remind everyone that you are ready and willing to help us with the tough decisions and during those shaking times.  Thank you for your great care and concern for us!  Amen

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