Sunday, January 5, 2014

When Jesus calls us to do impossible things.......

So here it is, only the fifth of January, and I am so tired of the cold and snow!  This was what my car looked like this morning when we opened the garage door to begin the dig out process.  Unfortunately our house has this sort of "alcove" which causes the snow to just pile up next to the garage door (and on top of the car parked closest to the door).  I would guess that we had somewhere around 9 or 10 inches of new snow yesterday and today.  And now we are going into the deep freeze.  Like -13 for our projected HIGH temperature tomorrow with a wind chill of -50.  YUCK!  The good news is that I don't have to work and neither does Ken!  So it will be another day of hunkering down and enjoying being inside.

Today I have been thinking about my devotional question of the day........
"What would we do if God never called us to greater things, to things that were more His size?" 

The Bible is full of stories of people who were called to great things that they could NEVER do.  It would be hard to image what the Bible would be without these.  Off the top of my head, I am thinking of Daniel in the Lion's den, David fighting Goliath, Peter walking on water..... yes there are many, many times when God gives people tasks that are totally outside of their ability.  It is then that we really appreciate HIS ability to work through us.  I have no doubt of the power and ability of God to do anything he chooses.  He is the creator of the world.  He BREATHED and the world came into being.  I know that He is powerful.  What is harder to imagine is that He asks US to participate in His work.  Today as I was out in the snow, I was thinking of the power of God that is displayed through the weather.  The weather is part of creation and part of God's plan and destiny for the world.  And it is totally OUT of our control.  So in answer to the question above, I think that we would lose sight of the power and ability of God if he didn't challenge us to experience a tiny bit of it ourselves.   When you have one of those moments when Jesus calls you to a thing that it totally outside of your ability, and then you COMPLETE that task..... well it is an amazing feeling. I remember when I knew that Jesus was calling me to go to Africa on a mission trip.  This was totally out of my ability on so many levels.  And when I returned from that trip I was absolutely sure of one thing..... Jesus had done an amazing work and I was right, it was out of my ability. 

Won't you consider the question today?  Think about what life would be like if we were never challenged to move out of our own ability.  And then consider all of the people from the Bible that accomplished impossible tasks through God. 

Jesus, thank you for the reminder today that you have a purpose for calling us to tasks that seem impossible.  You are God of the impossible!  Holy Spirit, keep me open to the "impossible" things that Jesus asks of me.   Thank you for warmth of home, shelter from the storms outside, and rest from work.  Amen

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